The unknown prize for the "Best art of the week" goes to SanderWit
Cheers man!
Current Age: 20
Current Residence: The Netherlands
Interests: Gaming Modelling Drawing Reading
Favourite movie: Twister (yeah!) - Fight Club - Amélie
Favourite band or musician: Portishead - Björk - Antony and the Johnsons
Favourite genre of music: TripHop - Jazz
Favourite artist: Jopie Huisman - Massimiliano Frezzato
Favourite poet or writer: Herman Finkers - Freek de Jonge
Favourite style or digital art: Surreal 3d
Operating System: Windows XP
Favourite game: Half Life 2 - The Neverhood
Favourite gaming platform: PC
Favourite cartoon character: Calvin (From Calvin & Hobbes)
Personal Quote: "Light is the perfect illusion of reality."