Anybody who makes their mark in this world first takes a cut against the grain. They shake things up because they refuse to go along with business as usual, not always for the right reasons either. In the square world, if you shake things up, no one is going to show up on your stoop with an assault weapon. In the underworld, you have to duck out the back door and find a friendly place, some place where you can lay low and stay out of sight before the cutthroats find you sleeping.
The best hideout for you is different depending on who wants your head. If it's the law, then you have more options -- including all of your trusted acquaintances who share your hatred for all things police. If it's your friends, now betrayed, then you have fewer options -- and you may consider turning to the law. They are supposed to serve and protect right? Only as a last resort. If you have both your friends and the law after you, you can be guaranteed a life of living on the road, on the lam, in cars and trains and motels, always watching your back for some rising gangster who's willing to pull the trigger.
Hotel using an alias
If you can get a ticket out of town using a false name and check into a hotel under yet another name, a low-key hotel is one of the best hideouts. First, there is room service and you never even have to see the maid or busboy -- and most of them are foreigners anyway, so they sure as hell won't recognize you. You don't want to pick a hotel crawling with security or rent-a-cops. Don't stay at the same place that diplomats and archbishops go for state dinners. Instead, go to the hotel where they take their mistresses.
The islands
The ideal place to run aground is the beach -- that seems to be one of the best hideouts in the movies: Steal a pot of money, grab a hot chick and head for the sun. Again, the island can be one of the best hideouts. The trouble with this can be getting out of the country. But this is almost always easy to do if you go through a high-traffic border station where they have way too many sweaty travelers to push through in any given day than is humanly possible. Once you get to the island of your choice, you might want to reign in your bad habits. Avoid the tourist areas, because sooner or later some flatfoot from the NYPD is going to take a vacation and run into you at the swim-up bar. Enjoy the sun, but remember that it's not spring break.
A friend of a friend's flat
The more degrees of separation you have from your actual network of friends, the safer you are. However, trusting those outside your usual circle makes you more vulnerable since they don't have any vested interest in saving your hide. That's why it's best they don't know the truth. Use something like: you've just gone through a divorce, you don't want to talk about it because you're on the mend, she took the house and you're homeless, blah blah blah. The worse it sounds, the less they'll ask you about your problems. In the meantime, you can enjoy the basement and the mini-fridge.
Deserts and mountains
The ultimate way to hide is to disappear. Barring magic, the best way to do this is to haul a shack into the flats of Nevada or the cliffs of Montana -- two of the best hideouts. Out there, a snake or a bear is your biggest concern. As long as you aren't cooking meth or burning the woods down, the people who want to catch you will have an eternal search combing the nothingness of America. Make sure you bring a couple cases of Glenfiddich or Maker's Mark so you don't have to resort to moonshine.
The Midwest
A bunch of naïve hicks can provide the perfect cover. Al Capone had some of his best hideouts in French Lick, Indiana, and Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. In recent years, you may have heard of Sarah Jane Olson, a member of a 1960s terrorist organization who turned out to be living the life of an upstanding citizen in a town on the edge of the world. If you can stand the boredom, you can re-invent yourself in Podunk -- but it may not be worth it when instead of antipasto and scallops your only choice is all-you-can-eat chicken fried steak. Prison food might be better.
hide and don’t seek
The best hideouts are the places people wouldn’t expect. If you need to lay low and you think of a place instantly, forget it and think of another place. The best hideouts should ideally be somewhere that takes you more than four minutes to think of